Only in America, surely.
If I had made this up you wouldn’t have believed me. Rocky Twyman (see picture above), Founder of the Pray For The Pump Movement, and his pals have been touring the US asking the big guy in the sky to intervene and bring down the price of gasoline.
What’s quite clearly needed is for some divine intervention, Old Testament Style, involving perhaps a little smiting of carbon molecules, to speed up the process of creating new and easily accessible crude oil reserves – by several hundred millions of years.
Maybe Mr Twyman is right and all that there is left for us to do is pray.
Either that or stop driving disgustingly huge gas-guzzling cars, cut back on the gargantuam-portioned meals that further waste precious hydrocarbon resources (and result in very large Americans who need those bigger cars and bigger clothes – again using yet more hydrocarbons).
Heaven forbid that Americans should change their lifestyles. It’s far better, surely, to tell the developing that they can’t have the things that America’s got and continue believing that cheap and abundant gasoline in the States is a God-given right.