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Asian Chemical Connections

Global Warming And The Impact On Ethylene

Please read this excellent piece from my colleague Nigel Davis, who is editor of the Insight section of ICIS news.Some further thoughts: if 46% of existing and 45% of future ethylene production is taken offline by flooding, just think of the impact on food pricing and distribution and the resulting social and economic chaos due […]

The Chemical Industry Blame Game

Produce too little energy over the next 35 years, says the International Energy Agency in this article from the Guardian Weekly, and there will be price hikes and a financial crash; produce too much and the increased rate of global warming will also result in economic disaster. The rest of the article leaves you with […]

And is China about to collapse?

I am bored to death, sick to my back teeth, of attending conferences where the only view on China is one of almost exponential continued growth. Read this from Will Hutton, a top China sceptic for a sobering reminder that China has some major structural weaknesses. You thought the Asian Financial Crisis was bad? If […]

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