Peak Oil, falling crude, being Scottish, Asian shares collapse, Brent crude
Asian Chemical Connections
The ultimate consumption tax
Alabama, obesity, living beyond our means, fat tax
Get off your backside!
climate change, Energy Carta, NUS, Project Better Place, Conergy
Do you ever get that sinking feeling?
polar bears, camels, New Scientist, climate change, light bulbs, camels, uptight neighbours, American Pyschological Association, US National Research Council
“Reports of my death……
Shell Chemicals, coal gasification, carbon capture and storage, ethane shortage, reverse globalisation, New York Tiimes
Can I have those coconuts, please?
Winston Churchill, Joseph Kennedy, David Strahan,The Last Oil Shock, New Scientist, Google, YouTube, Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical
The danger of bogus science
climate change, IPCC, New Scientist, Peak Oil, oil-supply crisis, oil prices, oceanic oscillations
Even the goldfish will get it
Tigers, flooding, Lehman Brothers, New Scientist, Guangdong, climate change, global warming, goldfish brains
The river doesn’t just run black
Billy Connolly, The Climate Group, harmonious society, Den Xiaoping, leftover venison, BP, Dow Chemical
Filled Up With Faith
divine intervention, gasoline, the power of prayer, upsize,