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Asian Chemical Connections

China Polyolefin Buyers Smell Blood……

…..but time to party for some thanks to re-exports to Brazil Source of picture: edgsgonesouth.com   By John Richardson It’s a funny old world – or so it seems in poylolefins at the moment as traders re-export resin from China to Latin America and elsewhere. “I phoned up a trader in China the other day […]

Thailand’s Map Ta Phut crisis – the NGO side of the story

By Malini Hariharan Penchom Saetang of Ecological Alert and Recovery – Thailand (Earth) is not a typical activist vociferously denouncing companies for their environmental misdeeds. She is soft spoken and rational in her criticism of the state of affairs at Map Ta Phut, Thailand’s premier industrial zone and a major petrochemicals hub. After spending over […]

Saudi Feedstock Pricing May Change Next Year

What’s the gas? Source of picture: wwww.arabianoilandgas.com     By John Richardson SAUDI Arabian feedstock pricing arrangements for ethane, liquefied natural gas (LPG) and naphtha could change in 2011 – affecting the competitiveness of existing and future investments, two well-placed sources have told this blog. Ethane is currently still priced at around 75 cents/mBTU and […]

Iran’s many problems

By Malini Hariharan A new problem is brewing for Iranian petrochemical producers. It appears that the government is quite keen on raising feedstock ethane prices and this issue is now under ‘hot negotiations’. “The National Iranian Oil Co (NIOC) and the petroleum ministry would like to rationalise the price of ethane according to the international […]

Asian propylene pricing heading for “a crash”

By John Richardson PROPYLENE pricing is heading for “a crash” in Asia as a result of spot supply increasing by around 20,000 tonne/month, a senior industry source has told the blog. Shell Chemicals will have a surplus 440,000 tonne/year of C3s from its Singapore cracker – in the process of starting up right now – […]

Time to get aggressive

By Malini Hariharan LyondellBasell’s board is reported to have rejected Reliance Industries’ revised $14.5bn buyout offer. The rejection is not surprising as LyondellBasell is said to have valued itself at $15.5bn in its restructuring plan. Reliance still has room to up its offer although financial analysts are worried that a high-priced deal would not be […]

It helps to have the right partner

By Malini Hariharan And Sumitomo Chemical has discovered this. The company recently said that PetroRabigh, its joint venture with Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia, has managed to secure fresh ethane allocation of 30m scf of ethane for a second phase of projects. Ethane is running short in Saudi Arabia and getting an allocation, even a […]

Action in the propylene market

By Malini Hariharan Just when Asian propylene prices started easing comes news of disruptions in production and price hikes in the West. Propylene availability in Europe was hit after a strike by Total’s refinery workers early in the week resulted in the closure of 36% of France’s C3 capacity. This forced Total to declare force […]

The Dangers of Forgetfulness

By John Richardson “IF YOU want to develop a good memory, you should learn to stop xxxxxxx forgetting, you brain-dead idiot” a former editor of mine often said, in his charming Glaswegian accent, after I had made the same mistake yet again. The same might apply to petrochemicals where maybe, just maybe, shutting down capacity […]

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