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Asian Chemical Connections

Asian propylene pricing heading for “a crash”

By John Richardson PROPYLENE pricing is heading for “a crash” in Asia as a result of spot supply increasing by around 20,000 tonne/month, a senior industry source has told the blog. Shell Chemicals will have a surplus 440,000 tonne/year of C3s from its Singapore cracker – in the process of starting up right now – […]

SEA Chemicals Need To Learn From The Past

By John Richardson THE whinging is getting almost unbearable in Southeast Asia over the Asean-China Free-Trade Agreement (ACFTA). The deal was under discussion for EIGHT years and yet chemicals and polymer producers and customers seem to have left it until after-the-fact to start raising objections. Indonesian industry association representatives have gone as far as to […]

Action in the propylene market

By Malini Hariharan Just when Asian propylene prices started easing comes news of disruptions in production and price hikes in the West. Propylene availability in Europe was hit after a strike by Total’s refinery workers early in the week resulted in the closure of 36% of France’s C3 capacity. This forced Total to declare force […]

Ethylene Margin Feast On Borrowed Time

By John Richardson A remarkable feature of early 2010 has been the tremendous margins enjoyed by Asian ethylene producers. Profitability in February, up until the end of the second week, had been the strongest since 2001, according to my colleagues who produce the weekly Asian Ethylene and Polyethylene (PE) Margin Reports. We will provide some […]

Corrected:Asian Naphtha-Ethylene Spreads Touch 2007 Levels

We should have originally written ‘integrated low-density polyethylene (LDPE) in paragraphsix, but instead wrote linear-low density PE (LLDPE). It’s now been corrected and apologies for the error – we will be buying some better glasses (less of this “we” – it’s actually “me”!)   By John Richardson The rise in ethylene prices to what ICIS pricing says is […]

Polyethylene Pricing Separates From Fundamentals

By John Richardson Linear-low density polyethylene (LLDPE) pricing in China has become increasingly divorced from industry fundamentals as a result of the growing role of the Dalian Commodity Exchange’s futures contract, claimed a Singapore-based polyolefin trader late last week. And the contract is setting the physical market, resulting in Dalian performing a similar role that […]

China Govt’s Next Moves Critical For World Economy

By John Richardson CHINA’S decision yesterday to increase the amount banks must set aside as reserves and two interbank interest rate rises in the space of a week are designed to tighten monetary conditions as worries grow over overheating and inflation. Lending reached Yuan 600bn ($88bn) in the first week of this year, not far […]

Asean-China FTA: Indonesian drama unfolds

By Malini Hariharan Eight years after agreeing to the Asean-China FTA (ACFTA) and a few days after its implementation the Indonesian government has succumbed to industry pressure to ask the Asean Council to renegotiate tariff reductions on 228 categories of goods across eight industrial sectors. In return, it has offered to accelerate implementation of tariff […]

Shell would like to build two MEG plants in Qatar

  By John Richardson An ethane shortage is slowing Shell Chemicals’ ambitions for building at least one cracker complex in Qatar, Ben van Beurden, executive vice-president of the company said last week. “Ideally, we’d like to build two crackers and two OMEGA process plants on the scale of this one here in Singapore, but at […]

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