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Asian Chemical Connections

Another Hammer Blow For China Polyethylene

By John Richardson CHINA is bringing down the hammer time and time again as it continues to play the whack-a-mole game. The latest blow to one or several of the unlucky moles involves the People’s Bank of China’s (PBOC) decision to withdraw cash from the financial system for the first time since early August. “The […]

China Polyethylene: Fitting 11% Into 6%

By John Richardson ELEVEN per cent apparent demand growth in polyethylene (PE) in China will not go into estimates of real demand growth at no more than 6%. This is our concern based on the latest set of data on the market (see the above slide). As you can see: Apparent demand growth (imports minus […]

China Polypropylene “Demand” Surges

By John Richardson CHINA’s polypropylene (PP) market has been consistently described as subdued throughout this year. End-users in China have persistently complained, throughout the year, of credit shortages as a result of China’s economic reforms and so their resin buying patterns have been sporadic and hand-to-mouth. How do we therefore explain the above chart, which shows a […]

China’s “Whack-A-Mole” Game Continues

By John Richardson THE blog loves playing the the “whack-a-mole game” in our local arcade. How it works is that every time a plastic mole pops up, you have to try and whack it back down with a hammer in order to win points. Moles just keep popping up, no matter how frantically you deploy […]

China Consumer Confidence “The Worst In 17 Years”

By John Richardson LAST year, the blog was told that business at some high-end restaurants in Beijing had fallen by as much as 90% because of the government’s crackdown on corruption. And China’s top military officials are scared to even park their cars in the vicinity of high-end restaurants in case they are accused of […]

China’s Evolving Autos Market: What It Means For PP

By John Richardson THE tide of credit that lifted all boats in China meant that chemicals company CEOs could get away with clichés such as “the rise of the middle classes” and “increasing urbanisation” and later point to strong sales figures as support for their arguments. But now the CEOs are going to have to […]

China Faces Lower Growth In Q2

By John  Richardson WE conducted another of our highly unscientific surveys amongst polyethylene (PE) producers and traders last week and the message remained the same: Persistently weaker-than-expected downstream demand in China. “Many downstream plastics processors have seen persistently weak orders for plastics finished and semi-finished goods,”  added the commentary accompanying the ICIS pricing polypropylene (PP) […]

China’s New Stimulus Package: What It Means For Chemicals

By John Richardson CHINA’S petrochemicals markets are likely to enjoy a confidence rally as a result of yesterday’s announcement of a mini economic stimulus package. The details of the stimulus package include: More railway construction.  The State Council released plans on Wednesday to sell $24 billion US of bonds this year to build railways in […]

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