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Asian Chemical Connections

Managing China’s Political Challenge

By John Richardson Getting on with politicians is always pretty useful for doing business anywhere. And in China right now, it is a case of working key relationships with the right set of senior politicians who are set to take control of the Politburo later this year, after the once-in-a-decade leadership transition has taken place. […]

China Jan-May PE Demand Declines

By John Richardson THE chart above, from data provided by Global Trade Information Services, further confirms that all hope of any substantial growth in China’s commodity grade polyethylene (PE) market during 2012 needs to be given up. Companies, and chemicals investors, should further revise their expectations. The five percent decline in apparent demand growth (imports plus […]

Not “Business As Usual”

  By John Richardson THE notion that Asian polyethylene (PE) markets would soon bottom out, which was widely expressed at the Asia Petrochemical Industry Conference (APIC) last month, seems to have been discredited. There was a slight recovery for the week ending 1 June, when prices had crept up by $10-20/tonne on improved confidence amongst […]

Stimulus Nonsense Raises Hopes

By John Richardson EARNINGS estimates for South Korean petrochemical companies will have to be cut by 50 percent for the full year 2012, said an industry observer. “It is quite clear that the first quarter was dreadful for the South Koreans and the second quarter will probably be even worse,” he added. There was a […]

Dow Sees China Growth Acceleration

By John Richardson DOW Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris said in an earnings call, following the release of the company’s Q1 results: “China is stabilising and growth is likely to accelerate later this year as their government keeps shifting its policies to inspire and incentivise domestic growth.” An industry observer agreed, and added: “I’m still sticking […]

A Polyolefin Trader’s Perspective

By John Richardson Word for word, see below what an Asian polyolefins trader told us yesterday: “This year has been absolutely terrible, the worst I can remember in eight years in this business, and even worse than 2008. There is just no demand out there. “There was supposed to be a recovery after the Chinese […]

China Economic Optimism

By John Richardson ECONOMISTS think China’s growth has bottomed out, thanks to unexpectedly strong March bank lending. They also think that interest rates will stay low for a long time, even if rates cannot be cut because of the inflation problem.  New loans in March totalled Rmb1trn ($159bn), more than banking analysts had expected. This renewed […]

Depressed China Demand Continues

By John Richardson ANOTHER week and sadly a repeat of the same old story: Depressed polyolefins demand in China. Pricing did, however, increase – by $10-50/tonne in the case of polyethylene (PE) and $10-40/tonne for polypropylene (PP), according to assessments by ICIS pricing for the week ending 16 March.   But our colleagues at ICIS […]

Europe Markets Lure Asian Polyolefins

By John Richardson EXACTLY the same scenario is playing out in European polyolefin markets, as in Latin America and possibly the US, my ICIS colleague Linda Naylor reported last Friday. High polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) prices in Europe have led to increased offers for re-exported material from China, according to Linda – our European […]

Pricing To Struggle For The Rest of 2012

By John Richardson Further confirmation of the themes we raised yesterday emerged from an interview with a senior polyolefin industry source, with some important new analysis. Profitability in Asia is the worst of any of the three regions, he told us, although volumes remain good. In the US, he characterised demand as “pretty reasonable”, but […]

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