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Asian Chemical Connections

Global manufacturing set to drift

By Malini Hariharan China’s status as factory for the world is under threat as rising costs of operating are startingto bite. Estimates of wage cost hike this year range from 10% to 20%. And if higher prices of raw material such as cotton and plastics plus the appreciation of the yuan are factoried in, then […]

China outlines shale gas ambitions

By Malini Hariharan With all the buzz around shale gas in the US the blog is not surprised to read that China is also turning to this unconventional source of gas. The country is looking to start shale gas production within the next five years, said a senior government official. It has drilled more than […]

China market problems persist

By John Richardson WHILE ethylene prices rose to a 14-month high last week on very expensive oil and the Shell Chemicals outage in Singapore, the ICIS pricing C2 margin report calculated a staggering $134/tonne fall in Northeast Asian margins. Rising naphtha is clearly not being passed on down the chain. Meanwhile, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) margins […]

Chinese PVC demand set to reach 13m

By Malini Hariharan The blog was at the Vinyls India – 2011 conference in Mumbai which has attracted over 400 delegates interested in hearing about the Indian market. The country has emerged as a major importer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with nearly 650,000 tonnes of suspension grade imported in 2009-10. But no PVC conference can […]

Huntsman to scale up India capacities

By Malini Hariharan US chemical producer Huntsman plans to rapidly expand capacities and sales in India, a country that has caught the attention of global majors. The blog caught up with the company’s President and CEO Peter Huntsman in Mumbai yesterday. “In every one of our businesses, except titanium dioxide, we will be spending money […]

Growing in confidence

By Malini Hariharan After sorting out their merger, PTT Chem and PTT Aromatics and Refining (PTTAR) are looking at a major new investment to take care of their future. In an interview with the blog’s colleague Tahir Ikram, PTT Chem’s president and CEO disclosed that the two companies are jointly studying a cracker project. “We […]

PX/PTA prices spike as supply dries up

By Malini Hariharan The paraxylene (PX)-purified terephthalic acid (PTA) market appears to be bearing the brunt of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Spot supplies of PX have dried up following the shutdown of three Japanese plants with a total capacity of 950,000 tonnes/year. Spot PX prices surged to a record high $1,815/tonne CFR Taiwan last […]

No escaping the squeeze

By Malini Hariharan With naphtha crossing $1000/tonne yesterday Asian petrochemical producers reliant on this feedstock remain caught in a tight spot. Costs are continuously rising while market direction for key derivatives is uncertain. Ethylene and propylene prices are holding firm at around $1,350/tonne CFR Northeast Asia and $1,500/tonne CFR Northeast Asia respectively, supported by a […]

Pulled in all directions

By Malini Hariharan Asian polyolefin producers face a difficult time with markets being pulled in different directions. Feedstock costs have steadily moved up at a time when downstream demand and price direction remains uncertain. Political upheaval in Libya and Bahrain pushed WTI crude oil to over $94/bbl yesterday while Brent hit $107/bbl. Naphtha soared to […]

PX: Still going strong

By Malini Hariharan Paraxylene (PX) markets are on a roll. Prices have risen by 20% since the beginning of the year and were assessed at around $1,620/tonne cfr Asia late last week by ICIS pricing. One contract nomination for March was out yesterday with JX Nippon Oil proposing a $110/tonne increase to $1,730/tonne cfr Asia. […]

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