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Asian Chemical Connections

China takes care of 2010

By Malini Hariharan After sorting out 2009 with a huge stimulus package the Chinese government is busy ensuring that there will be no slowdown next year. A number of measures have been announced to sustain growth in the domestic market. Subsidies on sales on home appliances in rural areas are being extended. The auto sector […]

Unravelling China’s polyester market

By Malini Hariharan (Malini is now joint blogger for Asian Chemical Connections) China’s immense appetite this year for all petrochemicals has been puzzling many of us. This blog has been regularly asking questions and some answeres for the polyester and PTA markets were provided by YJ Kim of PCI Xylenes & Polyesters at the Indian […]

Qatar-Shell Sing Deal Feedstock, Investment Options

Singapore’s Jurong Island Source of picture: www.pcs.com   Qatar Petroleum International (QPI) sees Singapore as a good base for expanding in to the Far East, said CEO Nasser Al-Jaidah yesterday after the announcement of the new partnership with Shell. QPI and Shell signed a series of agreements on Wednesday to jointly own 50% of Petrochemical Corporation of […]

China lends guiding hand to futures markets

The Chinese government appears to have an important objective to achieve while promoting commodity futures trading in the country? A report in today’s Wall Street Journal says that the government is positioning its futures markets in setting world prices for metal, energy and farm commodities. Jiang Yang, chief futures industry policy maker and assistant chairman […]

Global Warming And The Impact On Ethylene

Please read this excellent piece from my colleague Nigel Davis, who is editor of the Insight section of ICIS news.Some further thoughts: if 46% of existing and 45% of future ethylene production is taken offline by flooding, just think of the impact on food pricing and distribution and the resulting social and economic chaos due […]

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