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Asian Chemical Connections

Balancing economics with the environment

Recent comments by An Qiyuan, chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee for Shaanxi, warned of the environment and social catastrophe facing the northwestern province of China because of a shortage of water. He was referring to the diversion of water from Shaanxi to Beijing ahead of the Olympics and hydroelectricity plants which he […]

If I had a dollar for every time………

…….I had heard a company saying it was moving up the value chain (or rather a Euro or a British pound these days), I wouldn’t be writing this blog entry while smelling the wonderful aroma of pork sausages being cooked for my tea. Brown sauce and mash as well, of course. Can Dow Chemical make […]

Where does Dow/PIC go from here in Asia?

What Andrew Liveris didn’t address when interviewed over the Dow/PIC deal is what the $19bn olefins and polymers deal could mean for Asia, the Middle East and commodities. All the talk was of specialities with speculation sure to be rife over the next few months over how the US major will use its now substantial […]

Liveris defends strategy after a very tough few weeks

Imagine having to sack two of your senior management team after unauthorised takeover discussions. And then imagine just a few weeks later being forced to announce a 20% reduction in first quarter earnings. Andrew Liveris, Dow CEO (continuing our Dow theme – see below), is having a hard time of it. Mind you, life is […]

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