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Asian Chemical Connections

US Petchems: The Bigger Picture

By John Richardson Access to cheap feedstock, access to cheap feedstock and access to cheap feedstock might seem like the three most-important elements to any petrochemicals strategy. Thus, for many in the US, adding capacity based on abundant and therefore low-cost ethane, thanks to the shale-gas revolution, adds up. US ethylene capacity could be increased by […]

Pricing To Struggle For The Rest of 2012

By John Richardson Further confirmation of the themes we raised yesterday emerged from an interview with a senior polyolefin industry source, with some important new analysis. Profitability in Asia is the worst of any of the three regions, he told us, although volumes remain good. In the US, he characterised demand as “pretty reasonable”, but […]

US Cooks The Golden Goose

By John Richardson THE blog would sincerely like to find evidence that it has been wrong and report a strong, sustainable recovery in China’s polyethylene (PE) market. Alas, however, the rise in pricing of around $100/tonne over the last four weeks appears to have been almost entirely the result of increased trader activity and producers […]

Petchems And The Non-Profit Motive

By John Richardson AS the US contemplates raising its ethylene capacity by up to 29 percent by 2017, we would be fascinated to know whether the companies involved in these proposed expansions, and the “cheer leader” chemical industry observers spurring them on, have ever considered a chart such as the one below:      First […]

Five Essentials For Planners

By John Richardson POLYETHYLENE (PE) industry planners need to factor in the following as they prepare for 2012: 1.) Oil prices are causing demand destruction in the global economy. They could go higher due to the Iranian nuclear crisis. In real dollar terms, as fellow blogger Paul Hodges has written, crude prices were the highest […]

Saudi Gas Costs Head Higher

By John Richardson SAUDI Arabia’s petrochemical producers could soon, or may already, be paying $1.50-2.00/mmBTU for their ethane supplies. “We are not sure whether the proposed increase from $0.75/mmBTU will take place from 1 January this year or from early 2013, but we think it is going to happen,” said one industry source on the sidelines […]

Conventional Thinking Revisited

By John Richardson CONVENTIONAL thinking is that when you have a strong feedstock advantage, you should go ahead and build more petrochemicals capacity on the assumption that growth will eventually be sufficient to absorb volumes. Hence, several more green-field crackers would be announced in the US based on low-cost ethane, butane and propane via shale […]

The Risks For US Petchems

  By John Richardson THE US petrochemicals industry might be in danger of being lured into old thinking about the future direction of the global economy as a result of abundant shale gas. Despite the short-term markets gloom which we described yesterday, several industry executives and observers who we spoke to on the sidelines of […]

Chemicals Companies Sleepwalking Into 2012

By John Richardson CHEMICALS companies appear to be sleepwalking into a crisis as bad as 2008 because they have sacked their in-house economists and take what they want to hear from official bodies such as the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The famous international investor, Marc Faber, recently wrote that […]

US And Europe Polyolefins Raise Exports

By John Richardson in Houston, Texas DESPERATELY weak polyolefin demand in both the US and Europe is resulting in an increased focus on export markets. The US market appears to be in particularly severe distress with, as we discussed last week, large polyethylene (PE) volumes already on the water heading to China. More evidence of […]

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