The blog’s analysis about the inevitability of slowing demand and deflation was warmly received at Euromoney’s latest Global Bond Investors’ Congress. Far fewer of this year’s attendees still believed that central banks could return the Western economy to SuperCycle growth levels.
Thus its concept of the 3 Normals received a most enthusiastic response.
This week has seen even greater interest develop in these ideas due to the release of the above interview with Euromoney’s Giada Vercelli. This interview also highlights the opportunity to provide new products and services to meet the needs of the New Old 55 plus generation.
Much of the interest has come as a result of the interview being highlighted in the globally-circulated John Maudlin/Grant Williams investment newsletter, ‘Things that make you go Hmmm’, where they introduce it as follows:
“This gentleman is Paul Hodges, and chances are you’ve never heard of him. Paul recently co-authored Boom, Gloom and the New Normal: How the Ageing Western BabyBoomers are Changing Demand Patterns, Again, in which he looks at important demographic issues in a world where demography is rapidly becoming one of the most important (but least understood) sciences.
“Fascinating stuff.”
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