Future Winners in today’s New Normal world will be those companies that realise that the key question is no longer, “Do we have low-cost supply?” It is instead “Do we have a customer who is willing and able to buy from us”.
Chemicals and the Economy
Western automakers face a race to catch up as Chinese EVs arrive
Automakers have very little time – maybe as little as 5 years – to reposition themselves to meet today’s market needs. They need to develop an integrated EV supply chain. And they also need to follow Stellantis’ lead and go back to selling affordable cars costing €25k.
Gasoline/diesel cars are now less than 50% of European sales as EVs and hybrids surge
These paradigm shifts are coming at the same time as the loss of the peace and demographic dividends. They are taking our world in a new direction. The likely Winners will be those companies and investors who focus on becoming demand-led.
It’s our 16th birthday – and the chemical industry remains the best leading indicator for the global economy
The Ukraine war highlights how the real world can often be a very messy place. Issues such as geopolitics and demographics aren’t easy to understand. It can be hard to understand the detail of how key industries and markets are operating.
So it’s no surprise that most policymakers have preferred to stay in the world of theory.
Chemical industry results confirm major recession is underway
Chemicals are telling us that all the world’s major economies are in a major downturn. And the downturn is starting to accelerate as companies cut back spending and fire people. Real estate, autos and other key areas are already suffering along with the banking system.
The next car you buy will probably be Electric, and you may not need to buy another
As the photos from New York in 1900 and 1913 remind us, transitions happen very quickly once they get underway. One day, we are saying “it will never happen”. The next, we are telling our friends “I can’t understand why it took so long”. So it seems safe to assume that the auto industry will see major change in the next few years.
Global auto fleet goes electric as “the electrification of everything” begins
The ‘digitalization of everything’ has transformed the global economy over the past 30 years. The rise of the internet is just one example. Now electrification is set to have a similar impact, starting with the world’s largest manufacturing industry. Fasten your seatbelts for the ride!
The car market is crashing
Winners and Losers are becoming inevitable in the world’s largest manufacturing industry. Companies and their suppliers have to manage fixed costs to survive the recession. But they also have to invest in EV/AVs if they want to have a business in the future.
The blog’s 15th birthday – and the chemical industry remains the best leading indicator for the global economy
The US is moving into recession as the Atlanta Fed chart confirms. Chemicals have been warning of this for some time. But policymakers and commentators remain in Denial about the economy. They prefer to focus on their computer models, and ignore the real world outside their window.
Time to focus on the danger of corporate and household leverage as “subprime on steroids” comes to an end
The seeming genius of many private equity funds in recent years has been based on this ability to borrow at cheap rates during the ‘up’ part of the business cycle. Now we are heading into the ‘down’ cycle. And the central banks have abandoned Bernanke Theory and are back to worrying about inflation. So today’s excess leverage means many over-leveraged companies will go bust.