If you buy or sell Urea or related products, you need up-to-date global pricing data and the background information to help you understand it.
Our network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US enables us to deliver this. We publish their insights in our comprehensive daily and weekly price reports, plus we offer the news and analysis you need to put pricing information into context.
Detailed commentary and pricing in The Market publication covers the global urea market on a weekly basis, with 23 benchmark price assessments for urea.
In addition you can also get Daily Market Updates. These are designed as a complement to The Market. They are brief daily reports giving you the latest news and price developments for each fertilizer product.
The ICIS Urea Outlook is published monthly from a global perspective, covering all key regions and contains a market overview, price forecasts, supply and demand outlooks.
Find out more about our Urea coverage.