
Isocyanates Methodology – 23 May 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for isocyanates. ICIS quotes isocyanates prices in Europe, Asia-Pacific, China, the US and the Middle East. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Isocyanates-Methodology-23-May-2018

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Ethanol Methodology – 10 May 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for ethanol. ICIS quotes traditional and fuel ethanol prices in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the US. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Ethanol-Methodology-10-May-2018

Glycerine Methodology – 10 May 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for glycerine. ICIS quotes glycerine prices in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the US Gulf and Latin America. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Glycerine-Methodology-10-May-2018

Potash Methodology – 4 May 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for potash. ICIS quotes potash prices weekly in The Market. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Potash-Methodology-4-May-2018

Sulphuric Acid Methodology – 4 May 2018


This is the ICIS pricing methodology for sulphuric acid. ICIS quotes sulphuric acid prices weekly in the World Sulphuric Acid report. ICIS continuously develops, reviews and revises its methodologies in consultation with industry participants. Previous versions of this methodology can be found under Archived Documents. To find out more, please see Sulphuric-Acid-Methodology-4-May-2018