

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global Benzene market, whether you buy or sell Benzene or related products. From daily and weekly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of local reporters, to the […]

Caustic Soda

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global caustic soda market, whether you buy or sell caustic soda or related products. From daily, weekly and monthly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of local […]

European Clean Energy Markets (ECEM) Methodology – Sept 2012


ICIS publishes market prices based on information continuously gathered from market participants on spot transactions, spot bid and offer levels, contract price negotiations, prices of related commodities and relevant freight costs. ICIS includes in its price generation process only information gathered up to the published market closing time for each commodity and assessed period. ICIS […]

World Crude Report Methodology – August 2013


All ICIS-published assessments in the crude oil market are so-called “market closing” assessments. That is, they are intended to represent the tradable value of a particular crude grade at the time commonly agreed by the marketplace to represent a daily physical market “close”. A closing value price assessment takes into account:confirmed deals, bids and offers; market direction; and market relationships […]

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber

For those looking to keep abreast of the global Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber-Nitrile rubber market, our independent, unbiased pricing information, news and market analysis is an invaluable resource. Whether you buy or sell Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber-Nitrile rubber or related products, you need to know about the prices and the factors driving the prices in the global […]


For those looking to keep abreast of the global Acrylonitrile market, our independent, unbiased pricing information, news and market analysis is an invaluable resource. Whether you buy or sell Acrylonitrile or related products, you need to know about the prices and the factors driving the prices in the global Acrylonitrile market as they happen. Our […]

ICIS Complaints Procedure

General Compliance

Feedback, Disputes and Complaints Policy ICIS welcomes comments, queries and other feedback on its editorial services, assessments and market-reporting methodologies. ICIS is committed to continuous improvement of its editorial standards, and feedback from customers is vital to that commitment. Inevitably, from time to time, disputes arise about ICIS methodology, or about specific news items or […]

World Crude Report

The ICIS World Crude Report delivers in-depth information on the global oil trade, giving subscribers insight on a wide range of crude grades across the global markets. ICIS World Crude Report provides: Expert pricing and market information for four key global regions: Asia-Pacific, Arab Gulf, North Sea, and the Americas The latest price assessments for […]

Crude Oil

ICIS has a long history examining and reporting on the global crude oil markets. Our experts in London, Houston and Singapore, supported by colleagues in China provide market participants with the latest pricing information for four key global regions, in-depth analysis on factors driving the price of crude, plus market reviews and outlooks. Our crude […]

Adipic Acid

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global Adipic acid market, whether you buy or sell Adipic acid or related products. From daily and weekly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of local reporters, […]