
Adipic Acid

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global Adipic acid market, whether you buy or sell Adipic acid or related products. From daily and weekly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of local reporters, […]

LNG Markets Daily

LNG Markets Daily – your access to the most robust LNG spot prices LNG Markets Daily is vital reading as market dynamics across key markets continue to shift. As pioneers in bringing transparency to the liquefied natural gas markets, our daily pricing information, analysis on LNG price drivers and news ensure you have access to […]

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

The liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets continue to experience a change in dynamics as a result of increased global demand, making it more important than ever to have access to expert market insights. ICIS network of expert editors and reporters, based across Asia, USA and Europe, ensures you are provided with a truly global picture […]

Industrial & Commercial Energy Snapshot

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The ICIS Industrial and Commercial Energy Snapshot report is published daily The report provides readers with an overview of the UK gas and power wholesale markets This single-page report brings together key price assessments and market drivers, to keep on top of your energy purchasing The coverage includes: Indices for Day-ahead and Month-ahead gas and […]

European Spot Gas Market (ESGM)

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ICIS is the expert provider of pricing and market information across the European natural gas marketplace. Our daily gas market coverage is published in the European Spot Gas Markets report, supplying readers with the latest prices and expert analysis on the current day’s trading. We publish independent price assessments and indices – plus the latest analysis on gas market […]

European Gas Hub Report

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The ICIS European Gas Hub Report is published quarterly The report provides a comprehensive, quarterly analysis of price and market developments, as well as an outlook for all major trading hubs in Europe. The detailed report covers not only NWE, but the newer and less liquid markets in the Med and central and eastern Europe […]


ICIS provides extensive coverage of the global natural gas markets, bringing you independent pricing information, in-depth analysis along with commentary and news. Our network of gas reporters in the UK, continental Europe and China delivers local insights for each of these markets, published across a range of gas reports. With almost three decades of reporting […]

European Daily Electricity Markets (EDEM)

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The European Daily Electricity Markets report supplies market participants with in-depth coverage of Europe’s power sector. The coverage includes independent price assessments, indices, analysis on the latest market developments, fundamentals data and daily news stories. Key topics covered in the report include: •      Daily over-the-counter (OTC) price assessments for European power markets •      A range of indices […]


The European wholesale electricity markets are developing quickly, with liquidity growing across the continent. Electricity professionals in this rapidly moving market need access to independent and reliable information to help them make decisions faster. At ICIS, we provide expert coverage of the electricity markets in Europe, supplying readers with the latest over-the-counter price assessments and news, monthly analysis […]

General Compliance & Methodology

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ICIS business is founded on its reputation for independence, accuracy, impartiality and objectivity.Our customers rely on ICIS for accurate information. Customers must feel confident that information relayed by ICIS, whether verbally, in print, on screen or in data form, has not been influenced by any commercial, personal or other interests. ICIS has a suite of […]