

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global Butanediol market, whether you buy or sell Butanediol or related products. From daily and weekly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of local reporters, to the […]

Polybutadiene Rubber Methodology – September 2013

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Polybutadiene rubber (PBR) is polymerized butadiene. It was one of the first types of synthetic elastomer, or rubber, to be invented. It is very similar to natural rubber, polyisoprene. It is good for uses which require exposure to low temperatures. It is used in blends with other rubber types for improved elasticity, wear resistance and low […]

Polybutadiene Rubber Price Report

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The ICIS Polybutadiene Rubber (PBR) Report is published weekly in Asia The report tracks all the spot transactions on a CFR basis in NE Asia and SE Asia ICIS speaks to all the major PBR producers and consumers. The consumers are the tyre producers for the automotive industry in Asia, China, SE Asia and India […]

Polybutadiene Rubber

ICIS offers trusted and reliable market intelligence for those buying or selling Polybutadiene rubber or related products in the global Polybutadiene rubber market. Our reporters across Asia keep in touch with local markets, bringing you price assessments, in-depth news and analysis which you can rely on to guide you in your commercial decisions. Find out […]

Butadiene C4s Methodology – January 2013

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The major source of butadiene (BD) is as a by-product in the steam cracking of naphtha and gas oil to make ethylene and propylene. It is extracted from the crude C4 cracker stream. Butadiene is used primarily as a chemical intermediate and polymer component in the manufacture of synthetic rubber. Butadiene is the main raw […]

Butadiene C4s Price Report

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The ICIS Butadiene/Crude C4’s report is published weekly in Asia, Europe and the US. The Asian report publishes spot numbers for NE Asia, SE Asia and Taiwan on a CFR basis, and for China on a FOB basis. The European report publishes prices for the contract market on a FD NWE basis. The US report […]

Butadiene C4s

With a network of price reporters across Asia, Europe and the US, ICIS is fully equipped to keep you updated on everything that happens in the global Butadiene – C4s market, whether you buy or sell Butadiene – C4s or related products. From daily and weekly reports containing price assessments obtained by our network of […]

Bisphenol A Methodology – March 2013

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Bisphenol A is produced by the condensation of phenol and acetone in the presence of an acid catalyst (hydrogen chloride) and usually a promoter such as methyl mercaptan. Cation exchange resins can replace the acid catalyst in newer plants. Two grades of BPA are produced; one suitable for epoxy resin manufacture and a higher purity […]

Bisphenol A Price Report

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The ICIS Bisphenol A report is covered weekly in Asia, China and Europe In Asia, spot prices are quoted on a CFR China and a CIF India basis In Europe, monthly contract and spot prices are quoted for epoxy resin grade in NWE on a FD basis In China, the report covers polycarbonate grade for […]

Bisphenol A

ICIS provides independent and unbiased pricing information, news and market analysis for the global Bisphenol A market. Our network of price reporters, based in Asia, Europe and the US, deliver local insight for each of these markets, which is published in our individual weekly and daily price reports. If you buy or sell Bisphenol A […]