The fortnightly Gas In Focus report (previously European Gas Markets report) provides you with a round-up of all key developments, prices and industry news from the European natural gas market. It is a must-read for anyone looking for a comprehensive insight into the most relevant gas market news with a strong focus on supplier countries and routes.

Our coverage includes:

•      A round-up of all key developments in the European gas markets
•      In-depth analysis of events impact on supply and trade
•      Long-term contract assessments on two key borders
•      Authoritative commentary and analysis of the issues that matter
•      Comparison of key spot gas prices and long-term contracts

Active Documents

Gas In Focus Methodology – September 2019

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ICIS publishes market prices based on information continuously gathered from market participants about spot transactions, spot bid and offer levels, contract price negotiations, prices of related commodities and relevant freight costs. ICIS includes in its price-generation process only information gathered up to the published market close time for each commodity and assessed period. ICIS does […]