The European Federation of Energy Traders – EFET – has come down relatively hard on TSOs and their representative bodies in a position paper sent to the incoming European Commission. The traders’ association wants to strengthen the role of Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) in the process of hammering EU policy, while reforming the governance structures for the two European networks of transmission system operators (ENTSOs).
The problems implementing network codes is cited as the reason for the shift in ACER’s role. Reform of the ENTSOs should see a TSOs body solely dedicated to the internal market, EFET said. A European association of TSOs could then sit alongside other stakeholders to argue their case – much like EFET does.
The latest talks for a network code on transportation tariffs highlights the problem when ACER and the TSOs disagree fundamentally over a new text. The problem, industry sources say, is that ENTSOG members are reluctant to change the draft code where it is not compliant with the framework guideline. Partly it’s because they are unhappy with the financial implications for TSOs of adhering with the network code as ACER would like to see it drafted. The result has been stagnation in getting the code signed off.
So, EFET is advocating giving powers to ACER so it can intervene when a conflict of views arises between regulators and TSOs in adopting EU policy.
EFET also asks for a genuine commitment from TSOs to fulfill EU transparency requirements.