Global LNG Markets & Pricing
Module 1 (4 hours)
LNG market fundamentals
Overview of global LNG production and demand centres; commercial profile of major and emerging LNG companies with a mix of interactive elements to support understanding.
Sessions include:
- Commercial LNG profile: key sellers, buyers and the challenges they face
- Short-term LNG production overview: forecasts and trends up to two years ahead
- Key buyers: Asia: Break down and analysis of key East and South Asian demand
- Key buyers: Europe: Europe’s role as a growing LNG importer
- Key buyers: Americas: Short-term buying, competing fuels and regulation
1 hour | Introduction; commercial LNG profile and production |
15 minutes | Break |
1 hour | Demand: Asia, Middle East and emerging markets |
15 minutes | Break |
40 minutes | Demand: Europe |
35 minutes | Demand and Supply: the Americas |
15 minutes | Q&A |
End of Day One |
Module 2 (4 hours)
Explanation of contract and spot LNG pricing, analysis of current market drivers and most active companies; explanation of risk management and overview of LNG shipping.
Sessions include:
- LNG market pricing: contract structure definitions, forms of indexation and relationship with market dynamics
- Practical analysis of current spot trade and short-term markets: key companies, challenges around liquidity, the role of netbacks and managing risk
- Shipping from a trade perspective: fleet size, development, efficiency, floating storage
- Long-term themes: what next for the energy transition, Europe’s evolving role and green LNG
1 hour | LNG market pricing: contract structures definitions and market evolution |
15 minutes | Break |
45 minutes | Spot markets: how LNG is traded |
1 hour | LNG Shipping |
15 minutes | Break |
30 minutes | Long-term themes |
15 minutes | Q&A |
End of Day Two |